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[Save the Date] Assembly Education Committee Hearing

TBD, April 17 or April 24


California State Capitol

We need to show our elected leaders that there is a large demand for evidence-based early literacy instruction in all of our CA classrooms. Let us know if you can join us in Sacramento for the hearing. We want to flood the room with supporters of AB 2222. More details to follow.

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Time & Location

TBD, April 17 or April 24

California State Capitol , 1021 O St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA

About the event

AB 2222 has been referred to both the Assembly Education Committee and Assembly Higher Education Committee. It is very likely that we will be heard by the Assembly Education Committee on Wednesday, April 17 (and less likely, but still possible to be heard on April 24). We need to start mobilizing our advocates now, and will follow up once we have an official date for the hearing. 

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